It's funny how God provides avenues for you to express yourself, even when these avenues require an expression you never knew you needed to express. On two occasions within the month of September I have trained with New Generation Ministries in Team Building and Challenge Course Facilitating. New Generation Ministries is a full time ministry that has exciting and adventurous Christian summer camps every year for kids between the ages of 8-17. They also have a challenge course and a group of team building facilitators that takes corporate and school groups through activities that will build leadership and team building skills. Whether it is climbing high walls, or jumping ropes, or swinging through a row of tire swings, New Generation has a bunch of exhilarating group activities.
I went to two schools in September, St. Andrew High School (my alma mata) and Campion College. Gosh! It is so thrilling to work with young people, to take them through various challenges and see how they work through it together. How they analyze situations, and give their different viewpoints. It has been challenging when they are disagreements or disgruntlement's within this group, but I find it a good challenge to be able to manage that, being able to pull from within myself and solve a situation, to reason out a feeling with a group , and to get people to express their feelings, positive or negative. I am looking forward to growing with New Generation, and to continue to have this opportunity to develop and train various groups. What a marvelous avenue to express my leadership, my ability to work with people, my ability to gain their confidence in me as a leader/facilitator, and to have a blast doing it!!