Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Christian Apologetics

Why do you believe what you believe? Gosh!!! this class is great!

So we're doing this class, and we all had to write a paper saying why we believe. It was so fantastic having to pull my brain, and really think deeply about this. I realize that all this time my reasons for believing is because 'Jesus loves me and the bible tells me so', nothing more nothing less. Goodness!!! I was so naive and ignorant. I encourage you all to think a little deeper.

here is a snidbit on the final paper that i did for this class:

My first reason is that the Bible is full of fulfilled prophecies, making it the only book that has prophecies that have been fulfilled, and have more to come. But although the bible has 66 books all written by different people at different times, it comes together to form one book that flows. Jesus was prophesied about in the psalms and in genesis, which were both written well before the new testament where the prophecy was fulfilled. The author of the Bible is truly divine, explaining why there is such historical, prophetic and doctrinal congruency.

What I love about Christianity is that it is relational. It is not a set of laws to follow, but it is more importantly a loving relationship that you have with a great big God, who loves you unconditionally. Jesus coming to earth is a historical fact. It is factual that He died, and He was seen again after; that He spoke the words that He did. And I would be foolish not to believe Him, when such a sign, and such a man has never walked this earth before. Any other world religion works out their salvation through works, but my salvation with Christ is received by HIs grace and mercy, not of works so that no man can boast. This salvation is a gift from God, and not something that we have earned by our deeds or actions. Would not we all want to believe in a God who does not care what you've been or what you've done, but who loves you despite all. And though undeserving He gives limitlessly.

it continues....but didn't want to kill you with information :-)


Dave said...

What if some one don't believe in, or don't accept the bible??? Are they doomed for destruction???

Alicia Renae said...

Ultimately God is a just judge, and will judge appropriately taking into consideration the persons circumstances. But the Bible is the word of God, and in it is the truth of Jesus our Savior, God our Father and the Holy Spirit our comforter, to deny the bible is to deny all three. yes, this person who has read the bible and has cast it aside is 'doomed for destruction'